Courses - overview

Students must obtain a minimum amount of course credits (see below), that they can choose freely. Five fundamental courses that we recommend are available every year:

The remaining courses are held every two or three years. Please check our course catalog and the  list of courses of the current semester. You can also choose courses from other graduate programs at the Univesity of São Paulo (see complete list here). The 1st semester goes from January to July and the 2nd semester from August to December.

Course Credits

  • Master's students must obtain 24 course credits
  • PhD students must obtain 15 credits and PhD students without a MSc degree must obtain 39 credits.
  • You can validate courses that you attended in other univeristies up to a third of the total course credits.
  • You can earn up to 3 course credits in MSc or up to 6 credits in PhD if you publish a paper, or work as a teaching assistant at USP.